The event will be a celebratory opening to the start of the NWO The Critical Visitor project, in which the research team consisting of Eliza Steinbock, Hester Dibbits, Dirk van den Heuvel, and 2 PhDs will present the five sub-projects. We will also explain how we anticipate building the network.

The fifteen scientific, public and private partners will give short introductions on their relationship to and history of working with intersectionality theory or methods regarding previous or current inclusion and accessibility initiatives. They will explain their planned role in the project.

The afternoon will close with festive drinks and heavy appetizers in which partners and audience can get to know each other better.

More information will follow closer to the date.


In addition to the named consortium partners, a public audience will be invited from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Global Heritage & Development, the Queering the Collections network, interested parties not yet committed to the project in the application phase, and colleagues interested in learning more.


Kick-off celebration The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches to Rethinking and Retooling Inclusion and Accessibility in Heritage Spaces
Funded by the NWO Smart Culture Program within Creative Industries

To be held in Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam on Thursday January 16th, 2020 from 15-19.

The Critical Visitor consortium partners: University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Amsterdam School of the Arts,, Accessibility Consultant – Wat Telt, Studio i Platform for inclusive culture, Research Centre for Material Culture, IHLIA LGBT+ Heritage, Atria, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Van Abbemuseum, the Amsterdam Museum, Imagine-IC, together with the applicants Leiden University, Reinwardt Academy Amsterdam and Delft University of Technology.

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